All the Hindu scriptures, including the Vedas, have not only called suicide (Fidayeen)a sin, but have also called it an insult to God. This truth is understood by the leadership and people of beloved India. Therefore, it is the duty of the Vedic leadership and the public to move from least suicide to zero suicide.
The Vedas declare – Prajnanam Brahma, Aham Brahmasmi, Tattvamasi, Ayam Atma Brahma, Sarva Khalvidam Brahma Tajjalanithi i.e. Brahman is the Supreme Consciousness, I am Brahman, you are Brahman, this soul is Brahman and this whole visible world is Brahman form, because this world arises from Brahman only. ‘Atmavat Sarvabhuteshu’ consider all living beings as your soul. Shankar resides in pebbles that are why killing of living beings is considered as ‘Brahmhatya’.
Sanatan Dharma is the oldest religion of the world, the proof of this is the Vedas. Vedas are a unique work of Vedic period’s oral tradition, which has been going on from generation to generation since last 6-7 thousand AD. Meditation and salvation are the gift of Nirvana i.e. Zero Zero o Bharat i.e. Sanatan Hindu Dharma.
For the Vedic people, life is God. Along with doing the work, necessary rules are also needed.
There are 4 purusharths of life- Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. For this, discipline and performance of duty is necessary. Sanatan Dharma has bound every activity of man in scientific law. Vedic prayer and meditation and social service to the country is also our religion. In Atharvaveda, there is a collection of many mantras related to happiness-wealth, health, destruction of enemies etc. is one of them:
यथा द्यौश्च पृथिवी च न बिभीतो न रिष्यतः। एवा मे प्राण मा विभेः।।1।
Just as the sky and the earth are neither afraid nor destroyed, so is my soul! You too be free from fear. Never have any kind of fear. It is necessary to have boldness with restraint. Have fear only of God.
In Atharvaveda, there is a collection of many mantras related to happiness-wealth, health, destruction of enemies etc. All this is the art of life.
There are mainly two types of religions in the world. One action-oriented and the other faith-oriented. Hindu religion is karma-oriented, Non-hindu means non-conservative religion is faith-oriented. Jain, Buddhist, Sikh all these three are under Sanatan. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, all these three are under non-Hindu religion. Hindu religion gives complete freedom to people to believe and worship God or Gods and Goddesses according to their belief and if they do not have faith then they should not believe or worship them. There is no such freedom in non-Hindu religion. RSS chief Shri Mohan Bhagwat’s recent statements and meetings with Christian and Muslim religious leaders are proof of this.
The friendly and intimate relationship that Narendra Modi ji has with the heads of Christian and Muslim countries of the world is also proof that Vasudhaiva Kutumkam is the motto of Vedic people, acceptance of co-existence.
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin: Sarve Santu Niramaya:
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu Ma Kashchit Dukh Bhagbhavet.
Ayam Nij: Paroveti Ganana Laghuchetsam.
Udaarcharitana Tu Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: सर्वे सन्तु निरामया:
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चित दु:ख भाग्भवेत।।
अयं निज: परोवेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्।
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम।।
Generosity and tolerance are in our hearts. India is the only country where its diversity is the reason for its unity. The reason for unity in diversity is due to the tolerance and generosity of Hinduism.
The rights and duties that have been told after understanding every field and nature of life are based on psychology and science only. Vedic people believe in reincarnation. Vedic people believe in reincarnation. In the 22nd verse of the second chapter of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita, it is said- ‘Just as a man discards old clothes and wears new clothes, in the same way this soul also puts on a new body leaving the old body.’ It is said in the 5th verse of the fourth chapter- ‘O Arjuna, many births have passed for me and you. The only difference is that I know them all, but oh Parantap! You don’t know him.’
Vedic religion and the secular India that believes in it is not expansionist. We believe that there is Shankar in every pebble, that is, there is God in every particle. It does not mean that every particle should be worshipped. This means that there is life in every particle. Trees also breathe and creepers too. The secrets and effects of every element of nature have been revealed in the Vedas.
Charity in Puranas: King Rantidev got food after being hungry for 40 days, even then he was happy to give that food to the hungry guest who came to the shelter. Dadhichi gave even his bones to protect the gods, Shiv ji drank poison, Karna donated armor and earrings, This is the Vedic eternal tradition of India Hinduism i.e. Sanatan Dharma is considered to be the oldest religion in the world. The aim is – let us make the whole world great:
Suicide is considered reprehensible in Vedas and other religious texts, because according to religion one gets life after many births. In such a situation, he should live fully, should not end it before time and should do some good work for human welfare. There is mention of 84 lakh Yonis in Padma Purana, animals, birds, insects, humans, trees, plants etc together make 84 lakh Yonis.
In Atharvveda Twaan Mrityurdayatam Ma Pra Meshtha: May death protect you and you do not die prematurely. In the Atharvaveda itself, by saying Ut Tawan Mrityorpipar, the God of the Vedas has given a message, O living soul, I lift you up from death. By saying Mrityo Ma Purushvadhi, the Vedas gave a message that O Death, do not kill a man prematurely.
Human birth is rare, body is not repeated,
Taruvar as soon as the leaves fall, the daughter-in-law doesn’t feel scared
Meaning: Kabirdas ji says that it is very rare to get a human birth, this body is not found again and again, just like a leaf that has fallen from a tree cannot be put back on the tree.
Why human life is rare? Because life is given only once and who knows when what other birth will happen.
Lord Buddha has even said that ‘the one who is to be born in the form of a human being, he also gives happiness to the deities.’
According to the Bhagavad Gita, the ultimate aim of human life is to become a pure devotee of Krishna. Even those who practice Jnana Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga eventually understand this. Therefore, we should properly utilize our human life and engage in devotional service to Krishna without any material motive, as stated in the Bhagavad Gita. Karma Yoga is said to be the best in the Gita, even better than Sankhya or Bhakti Yoga. So do your work without attachment and desire for the fruit.
“After many births and deaths, one who is truly in knowledge, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes, takes refuge in Me. Such a great soul is rare.”
Bhagavad Gita 7.19
The contemplation of Vedanta leads the rare human life towards excellence. The sutras of the Indian Vedas and Upanishads are relevant in every age. It is a proof of the glory of the great men of the country that even today the flow of good deeds continues.
It has been said in Rigveda that we should also become great and make the whole world great.
..Yatha Dyoscha Prithivi Cha na Bibhito na Rishyatah. Ava me Prana Ma Vibhe: 1. – Atharvaveda.
Meaning: Just as the sky and the earth are neither afraid nor destroyed, so is my soul! You too be free from fear.
Where physical diseases arise from fear, mental diseases also arise and from this the feelings of suicide or mass murder have arisen. , A scared person never develops in any way. It is necessary to have boldness with restraint. Have fear only of God.
The contemplation of Vedanta leads the rare human life towards excellence. The sutras of the Indian Vedas and Upanishads are relevant in every era. It is a proof of the glory of the great men of the country that even today the flow of good deeds continues.
..Yatha Dyoscha Prithivi Cha na Bibhito na Rishyatah. Ava me Prana Ma Vibhe: 1. – Atharvaveda.
Meaning: Just as the sky and the earth are neither afraid nor destroyed, so is my soul! You too be free from fear.
Where physical diseases arise from fear, mental diseases also arise and from this the feelings of suicide or mass murder have arisen. , A scared person never develops in any way. It is necessary to have boldness with restraint. Have fear only of God.
According to Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharya, three graces are very rare, human body, mumuksha means hunger to get God and the third is the meeting of a great man. Out of this, the meeting of human body is the rarest. Gods and Goddesses also yearn to get it. Because only human life is based on knowledge and action. Gods also have knowledge, but they do not have the right to act. If we do not use the power of knowledge in the right direction, that is, for charity, then it will be misused.
This human body is attained only by the grace of God. God’s pastimes are infinite, that’s why sometimes salvation is attained in other forms also by the grace of God, but the opportunity for salvation is with the human only.
The body is not like a man. Dear for this bin.
Bade Bhag Manush Tanu Pava. Sur rare, all books are not villages.
In Vedic texts, a verse has been written for a person who commits suicide, which is as follows…
Asurya name te loka blind tamasavrita. टास्ते प्रेट्याभिगच्छन्ति ये की चत्महनो जनाः।
Means: After death, suicidal people go to the world called Asurya, full of ignorance and darkness, inferior to the light of the sun.
According to the scriptures, the problems for which a person commits suicide can be solved if he is alive, but by committing suicide a life of endless suffering begins. They have to suffer the punishment for repeatedly breaking the rules made by God.
Garuda Purana says that one has to bear the consequences of one’s deeds. Even if you try to escape from life, you cannot avoid them, but the consequences of suicide are more painful. Suicide cannot bring salvation in any way. In Vishnu Purana, Shri Krishna has given the knowledge to do spiritual practice for attaining salvation and not to commit suicide.
Regarding what is the punishment for suicide, Garuda Purana says that the soul of the person who commits suicide hangs in limbo as a punishment. Suicide is reprehensible, because according to religion, one gets human life after many lives, in such a situation, it is foolish and a crime to waste it. That is why the life that happens after committing suicide is more painful.
Lord Krishna gives the same message to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita: Renounce attachment, stand up for action, leave attachment, have equanimity in happiness and sorrow, a person has the right in action, not in the fruit. This
That is, be it Ramayana or Geeta, the establishment of religion and the destruction of demons is the main reason for God’s incarnation.
Saint Tulsidas ji has said about the human body.
“Bade bhaag manush tan pava, sur durlabh sad granthanhi gava.
By doing Sadhna Dham Moksha, I did not get the hereafter.
This human body is very important, because it is the instrument through which we can improve our hereafter, this human body is also the door to salvation. ,
“Sadhaan Dham Moksha Kar Kar.”
The context of “Ram Gita” is that after attaining human life, engaging in sensual desires is foolishness like taking poison instead of nectar, and no one says this is good, as-
Nartanu Pai Bisay Man Dehi. When Sudha turned around, she took sixty poisons.
That’s why sometimes I say that someone. Lost the echoes of the planets.
Suicide (Latin suicidium, from sui caedere, meaning “to kill oneself”) is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death.
We can achieve anything by doing work only through the human body. This human life is capable of giving everything:
hell heaven apavarga niseni. Giving complete happiness without knowledge.
Therefore it is proved that there is no body like a human being, which even the gods pray for.
′′ Male is not equal to female body.
The one who does not decorate his other world even after getting this unfortunate human body, nothing happens in his fate except regret and he suffers.
By doing Sadhan Dham Moksha. Don’t get where the other world is decorated.
I got sorrow in my life, I bowed my head and repented.
Since it is by the great grace of God that we get this human body-
Why do you have mercy on the human body? Det eis binu het snehi.
For this reason, to what extent it is wise to let this body indulge in sensual pleasures, even heaven is for a short time and in the end one has to suffer.
Brother, this is not the subject of the fruit of the body. Heaven’s short end is sad.
Suicide (Latin suicidium, from sui caedere, meaning “to kill oneself”) is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death. Suicide bombers and fidayeens are also included in this. Pakistan is the founder of fidayeens and suicide bombers.
What kind of mother is this Pakistani terrorist! Congratulations on the killing of the terrorist’s son, you are brave. you are courageous May Allah give you Jannaht!
Suicide, especially in the form of Fidayeen attacks, is a deeply concerning issue that has been plaguing many countries in recent years. Fidayeen, which translates to “one who sacrifices oneself,” is a term used to describe individuals who carry out suicide attacks as part of a larger terrorist operation.
While the motivations behind Fidayeen attacks can be complex and multifaceted, it is important to remember that taking one’s own life is considered a sin in many religious traditions, including Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.
In Christianity, suicide is generally considered a sin, as it is viewed as an act of despair and a rejection of God’s gift of life. The Catholic Church, for example, considers suicide to be a mortal sin, meaning that it is a deliberate and grave offense against God that could lead to eternal damnation. Other Christian denominations hold similar views, emphasizing the importance of valuing human life and seeking help and support in times of crisis.
In Judaism, suicide is also viewed as a serious transgression, as it goes against the belief in the sanctity of life. The Talmud, a central text of Jewish law and tradition, teaches that taking one’s own life is equivalent to shedding blood, and is thus forbidden. This prohibition against suicide is also reflected in Jewish law, which emphasizes the importance of preserving life and seeking help in times of distress.
It is important to note that these religious teachings do not simply condemn suicide as a sin, but also emphasize the value of life and the importance of seeking help and support in times of crisis. While the motivations behind Fidayeen attacks can be complex and multifaceted, it is crucial to remember that taking one’s own life is not a solution to any problem, but rather a tragedy that causes immense pain and suffering to those left behind.
Furthermore, Fidayeen attacks are not just a sin against God, but also a horrific act of violence that causes harm to innocent individuals and communities. These attacks often target civilians and are carried out with the intention of creating fear and instability. They represent a complete disregard for the sanctity of life and the value of human dignity.
In conclusion, suicide, especially in the form of Fidayeen attacks, is a sin and an insult to God in many religious traditions. It is important for individuals and communities to recognize the value of life and seek help and support in times of crisis, rather than resorting to violent and destructive actions. By doing so, we can work towards creating a more peaceful and just world for all.
Mass murders also fall in this category. An example of mass suicide is the “Johnstown” cult suicide in 1978, in which 918 members of the Peoples Temple, an American cult led by the Jimjohns, ended their lives by ingesting grapefruit juice flavored with cyanide.
More than 10,000 Japanese civilians committed suicide by jumping from “Suicide Peak” and “Banzai Peak” in the final days of the Saipan War..