In ancient times, when paper was not invented for writing, then Vedas and Puranas were specially composed by writing on Bhojpatra, Palm Patra, Tamra Patra. Ancient inscriptions are also found on the walls of the temples. Bhojpatra is such a rare paper that was obtained from the dense forests of the foothills of the Himalayas.
Efforts are now being made to revive the rich heritage of ancient India by planting a rare Bhojpatra tree in a nursery of the spiritual city of Deoghar.
Bhojpatra plant has been brought from Himachal and planted here. The specialty of this plant is that when its stem is pressed at any place, a pit is formed. And its bark can be removed layer by layer.
Anything written in Bhojpatra lasts for thousands of years. There were innumerable texts written on Bhojpatra in Vikramshila, Mithila, Nalanda or other universities of that period, which were destroyed during foreign invasions. Later, many important documents written on Bhojpatra were taken from here to Germany during the British rule, which are still safe in the Munich library there.