Nehru and ‘other political parties considered cultural nationalism as untouchable, and political Map Marginalized people are going on, wisdom is opposite to the time of destruction…
Narendra Modi Symbol of Cultural Nationalism: On August 5, 2021, when the foundation stone for the construction of Ram temple was laid in Ayodhya, Shanta Kumar, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh and a minister at the Centre, wrote at one place that Lord Ram was the founder of cultural nationalism. He linked the construction of the temple with cultural nationalism and also said that every Indian must offer flowers to the picture of Lord Rama in his home.
It is about 2007. Then the UPA government of that time was in the process of passing the Sethusamudram shipping canal project. But, BJP was opposing it. Because, under its project, a new route was to be told for the transportation of large ships, which would pass through Ramsetu. For this Ram Sethu had to be broken. But, due to the old beliefs of Ram Sethu, the BJP opposed the Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project and then the matter reached the Supreme Court.
In 2008, on behalf of the UPA government, an affidavit was filed in the Supreme Court, terming Ram Sethu as imaginary, saying, “There is no bridge there. No human made this structure. It must have been created by some super power and then destroyed itself. For this reason there was no talk about it for centuries. Neither is there any proof.
The Congress party and its leaders have hurt the sentiments of crores of Hindus many times by questioning the existence of Lord Ram. In the same sequence, Congress leader Ketkar, during a discussion about Ram temple Bhoomipujan, not only denied the historical existence of Shri Ram but also said that Hindu Gods and Goddesses are the creation of literature. The Congress leader said, “Ram exists because of Ramayana. However, it is yet to come to a conclusion whether Ram is a creation of history or literature. Valmiki wrote a great epic and its influence was felt both in India and abroad. But, I do not know whether he exists in history or not.”
Posted on Nov 14, 2022 Various tweets by @AnkitaBnsl On the basis of NASA also we can say that Ram Setu is 7000 years old. The study of oceanography has revealed. Congress had said Ram Setu is imaginary, know scientific and religious facts,
12 Interesting Scientific And Religious Facts To Know About Ram Setu!
1. 12 interesting scientific and religious facts to know about Ram Setu have been revealed in the study of oceanography. This study shows that Ram Setu is 7000 years old.
2.Carbon dating of beaches near Mannar island from Nushkodi matches with the date of Ramayana that the time of construction of Ram Setu matches with the date of Ramayana. Once upon a time Dhanushkoti was a big city and Rameshwaram was a small village. At that time, boats used to run from here to Sri Lanka and there was no need of passport in any way. The night of 22nd December 1964 brought misfortune for a prosperous town like Dhanushkoti when a severe storm destroyed the town completely. Dhanushkoti has religious and mythological significance in Ramayana period. Many places around are visible from the contexts related to Lord Ram. Rama had given shelter to Vibhishana here and after the victory of Lanka, at the request of Vibhishana, Rama broke one end of the bow, agreeing to his request to break the bow. Since then it got its name as Dhanushkoti. This place is about 19 km from Rameshwaram. Sri Lanka is said to be 18 km away from here by sea.
3. The bridge was passable on foot until the 15th century when storms deepened the channel. Some records suggest that the Ram Setu was completely above sea level until 1480 when it was breached by a cyclone.
4. The bridge is 50 km long and separates the Gulf of Mannar from the Palk Strait.
5. Ram Setu is also known as Adam’s Bridge, Nala Setu and Setu Banda.
6. Ram Setu is taken as the archaeological and historical evidence of Ramayana.
7. This bridge was first mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana. There are many evidences in Valmiki Ramayana that high technology was used in making the bridge. Some monkeys had brought big mountains to the beach with the help of instruments. Some monkeys were holding a hundred yojan long thread. That is, the construction of the bridge was being done in a straight line with the thread. (Valmiki Ramayana-6/22/62)
8. When Lord Shri Ram reached the end of the land of India, he prayed to the ocean god to find a way to cross over to Lanka.
9. The worship of the sea god was started by Shri Ram. But when the ocean god did not appear even after several days, Shriram got angry and took up his bow and arrow with the aim of drying up the sea. With this step of his, the life of the sea started drying up. Only then the ocean god appeared in fear and said, “Shri Ram! Build a bridge of stones over me with the help of your monkey army. I will bear the weight of all these stones. There are two monkeys in your army named Nal and Neel, who are the best.” Samudra Dev said that the two monkeys in his army, Nal and Neel, have a boon that if they throw the stone into the water, the stone will never sink.
10. Hearing this, the entire army started writing Lord Rama’s name on heavy stones, while Nal and Neel started throwing them into the water to make a bridge. Scientists believe that Nal and Neel probably knew which stone would not drown in water by keeping it in what way and would also become the support of other stones. Actually Nal and Neel were the sons of Lord Vishwakarma, who had a good knowledge about the nuances of the construction works of that time. He along with the entire monkey army built this bridge. It is told in the Ramayana that both Nal and Neel were very mischievous since childhood. These two were so mischievous that they used to throw the belongings of sages into the sea. The sages used to get troubled due to the drowning of the object. Then the sages cursed them that the things thrown by you will not sink in the water. This curse of his proved beneficial during the construction of the bridge. That’s why the stones that Nal and Neel used to throw did not drown.
11. NASA images and the presence of floating stones in that area give concrete indications of the historical existence of Ram Setu. America’s Science Channel has claimed with facts that the Ram Sethu between India and Sri Lanka is not natural but man-made, that is, it was built by a human. American scientists have found evidence that the stones of Ramsetu are about 7000 years old.
12. In this beautiful place, you can see the chain of rocks, sandbanks and islets which almost connect Sri Lanka with India. According to historians and archaeologists – it is no wonder that when coral and silica stone are heated, air gets trapped in it, which makes it light and floats. This bridge was made by choosing such a stone. According to historians, in the year 1480, this bridge broke down a lot in a storm. Before that, people between India and Sri Lanka used to use this bridge on foot and by vehicle.
1. Stone The rocks separated from Ram Setu are still floating on the sea. I, @jainrk59 clicked the picture below where several rocks can be seen floating.
2..Raj Bhagat P #Mapper4Life @rajbhagatt July 7, 2020

Deep ocean currents do not enter the section between Sri Lanka and India because of the Conte shelf. The sea surface in this section is dominated by long coastal currents in two directions – one from the Gulf of Mannar and the other from the Palk Strait and they are in opposite directions.

what Is Ram bridge,, Between Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and Mannar in Sri Lanka there is a series of intercalated limestones. Geologists believe that earlier this range was completely above the sea. With this one could walk till Sri Lanka. In Hinduism it is believed to be a bridge built by the army of Lord Rama. In other parts of the world it is also believed to be man-made. Christians and Westerners started calling it Adams Bridge.
Demand to declare Ram Setu as a national monument: The Supreme Court has agreed to an early hearing on the demand for protection by declaring Ram Setu as a national monument. A 3-judge bench headed by Justice DY Chandrachud assured the petitioner Subramanian Swamy that the matter would be heard in detail. The Ram Setu was to be demolished to make way for ships under the Sethu Samudram project, launched during the Congress-led UPA regime. Later this action was stopped after the intervention of the court. Since then, the hearing on the petition seeking to declare Ram Setu as a national monument is pending.

By – Premendra Agrawal @premendraind